
We strongly believe in the power of stories to reassure children and help them understand why a pediatric crown may be a good option for their smile. Here we share an effective approach that can be used to introduce children to children's crowns in a playful and understandable way.

"The Pirate and Princess Crown"

Imagine: a child is sitting in your dental chair and has a cavity. Instead of talking about annoying procedures such as anesthesia & drilling, offer them the option of a cool pirate crown (for boys) or a beautiful princess crown (for girls).

Hall technique

We offer the Hall technique, especially for children who find anesthetizing and drilling daunting. A metal crown is glued over the tooth with the hole, also known as the Pirate or Princess Crown. This crown seals the cavity and protects the tooth from bacteria until the tooth is replaced.

The treatment usually requires 2 appointments. During the first appointment, blue separators are placed to make room for the crowns. The second appointment involves fitting and cementing the crown, which is usually quick and comfortable.

Children experience the crown as beautiful/cool and will be proud of their Pirate or Princess crown. See the Hall technique page for more information about the technique.

How to introduce Children's Crowns:

  1. Step-by-step Explanation: Use the above story (storytelling) to explain it to children. Use their imagination to involve them in the choice of treatment.
  2. Interaction and Choice: Give them the freedom to choose which crown (silver/gold) suits them best.
  3. Involve Parents/Carers: Ask parents/guardians if they have any further questions.

We hope this approach will help you create positive experiences for children. To ask? Don't hesitate to contact us!